In this guide we will show you how to:

  • Use defer inside a monorepo
  • Use another package inside a background function
  • Call your background function from another package
  • Deploy your background function on Defer
  • Understand the Defer build process

To illustrate this guide with code examples, a new project has been initiated with:

  pnpm dlx create-turbo@latest

You don’t have to use Turborepo or pnpm to follow this guide though.

1. Identifying your workspaces

If you already have a monorepo setup, you can skip to 2. Create a defer folder.

Monorepos use workspaces to keep track of the different your different projects or apps. Depending on which package manager you are using, defining workspaces is done differently.

Here is an overview of the definitions of pnpm, npm & yarn workspaces in our example:

  - "apps/*"
  - "packages/*"

2. Create a defer folder

The Defer platform uses the defer/ folder to autodetect your background functions.

Defer does not yet support multiple defer/ folders per Defer environment.

As a result, you should only use one defer/ folder accross your monorepo.

Here are our recommendations on where this folder should be located:

  • If you will only use defer with one of your workspaces, you might want to add it to this workspace.
  • Alternatively, if you’d like to keep things separated and plan on using Defer with multiple workspaces, you can also add it in a dedicated workspace.

Please take a look at the monorepo structures below for reference:

 +-- apps
 |   +-- docs/
 |   `-- web
 |       +--
 |       +-- app/
+|       +-- defer
+|           `-- helloWorld.ts
 |       +-- next-env.d.ts
 |       +-- next.config.js
 |       +-- package.json
 |       +-- public
 |       `-- tsconfig.json
 +-- package.json
 +-- packages
 |   +-- eslint-config-custom/
 |   +-- tsconfig/
 |   `-- ui/
 +-- pnpm-lock.yaml
 +-- pnpm-workspace.yaml
 +-- tsconfig.json
 `-- turbo.json

3. Install the @defer/client

The Defer client is used to communicate with the Defer API. You will need it to execute your background functions on the Defer Platform.

# existing 'web' workspace
pnpm install @defer/client --filter web
# new 'defer' workspace
pnpm install @defer/client --filter defer

4. Write a greet background function

Before writing complex business logic, let’s write a simple background function.

import { defer } from "@defer/client";

const greet: (name) => Promise<any> = async (name) => {
  console.log(`Hello ${name}!`);

export default defer(greet);

5. Call your background function

You can use your background function from anywhere in your code.

Here is an example on how you can call it in

import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import greet from "../defer/greet";

export async function POST() {
  // calling a background function triggers an execution on Defer Platform
  const res = await greet("John Doe");
  const data = await res.json();

  return NextResponse.json({ data });

6. Configure & Deploy a Defer environment

Head up to our quickstart section to follow the instructions on how to configure your defer environment on the Defer Console.

You don’t need to run turbo build to deploy your application on defer.

You only need to push to Github to make your background functions available to the Defer Platorm.

The Defer Builder builds your background functions for you, and is tailored to optimize the bundle to only contain those and their dependencies.

That’s it, you are now fully set up to leverage background functions inside your Turborepo! 🎉